The price that you should pay
A Successful entrepreneur always pursues the goal in spite of its level of difficulty and non-successful entrepreneur always thinks about what he should not do. A successful entrepreneur is self-discipline and also keeps doing the thing which they believe.

They keep trying until they succeed and by saying this “price that you should pay” means hard work, dedication, and persistence are the three qualities that make a person successful. You have to keep things aside which are not productive mainly hanging out with people who always have a reason for their failures and they don’t have reasons to take it to the next level.
Knowledge and Learning
When we want to succeed in any of our idea that we believe in, keep learning everyday bit by bit because if the learning stops and we don’t have proper knowledge of what we are doing that isn’t going to take us anywhere so having knowledge and zeal of learning, keeps us motivated. Knowledge and learning are the driving force for success.

We might say there are people who are very knowledgeable but they could not succeed, this happens because they stop learning and they hesitate to learn from subordinates, day-to-day encounters, peers and people who are even less in position, so it doesn’t matter what position we hold, learning is the most important ingredient to success.
Exploring different avenues
We might often think why we need to explore different avenues? “when we are doing executing properly ”, it is not because that we are looking for an escape route, we need to find out the way, how work can be done efficiently without indulging most of our resources and energy that means by doing this we save time to explore different ideas find out loopholes in our ideas/process and fix them.

Always we should try to discuss our ideas & processes with people so that we can refine our processes, remember the processes are meant for the people. And if it doesn’t align with our goal and people working for us that means we have a problem with the process and we will not able to generate results.
Find out your shining armour
People tend to join rat races and it is said that the rat races don’t carve the path for our success, To stand out from the crowd we need to find our shining armor, that one thing will distinguish our identity from rest of the people around us and elevate us over those people. A successful entrepreneur always finds that shining armor and stand out to do business.

PAST is not equal to FUTURE
If we have failed in the past that doesn’t mean we will not succeed in the future, there are many instances of successful entrepreneurs failing in the past but they have built a Billion Dollar company, as they believe their failures in past will not be the guiding stone of the future